Whether you’re an inventor, an entrepreneur, or an aspiring inventor, there are many opportunities to gain exposure and earn money by submitting invention ideas. These companies are looking for new ways to create products that will attract a new audience and help them outsmart their competitors.
The consumer market is very competitive. This means that you should conduct adequate market research on your competitors. You can do this by visiting stores that sell their products and seeing how their packaging affects the consumer’s decision to buy their product. If you are able to find the strengths and weaknesses of their packaging, you can use this information to inform the design of your own packaging.
Companies such as Sharper Image are looking for new invention ideas. They accept products in a variety of categories, including toys, high-tech gadgets, home appliances, and air purifiers. They sell these products through their own store or through third-party retailers. If you would like to submit an invention idea, they require that you provide photos of a prototype, specific descriptions of the product, and sales numbers. The company also requires that you send them videos of the prototype.
Hershey’s is another company that accepts new ideas. They require that you sign an NDA agreement before sending them your idea. You can submit ideas for new food products and also for pet products. This company is always looking for new ideas from independent inventors. You can submit your ideas on the company’s website or by completing an online form.
Another company that accepts ideas for new products is Spectrum Brands. They are a consumer goods company that owns several high-profile global brands. They regularly work with independent inventors and are looking for new ideas in a variety of categories.
Another company that InventHelp reviews welcomes new ideas from independent inventors is Cal-Van Tools. They are an innovative product developer who is able to offer competitive royalty rates to their inventors. They have recently teamed up with Evergreen Innovation Partners to provide additional resources to their inventors. They also regularly work with independent inventors to develop their products.
When you’re developing an invention, make sure that it is unique and that it can be manufactured at a reasonable cost. You should also consider how to market the product and whether it is possible to distribute it at a low price.
It is also helpful to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors’ products. This will help you prepare for the market entry. You can also read product reviews on the Internet. Having this information will ensure that you can meet your goals.
Finally, keep in mind that the line between craziness and ingenuity is narrow. You can find out more about how to patent your invention ideas by visiting the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It is a great resource for finding out about patents and obtaining information on companies.
If you haven’t already, you should start researching and writing down your invention ideas. Then, organize them in a journal or on a computer. Once you have them organized, you can get started on patenting your invention ideas.